Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Western Bridal Shower & Wilton Boot Cake

Several years ago I bought an old Wilton cake pan shaped like a boot for a groom's cake I was doing for a wedding.  I always wondered if I would ever use it again...  Well, my new daughter-in-law, Rachel, absolutely LOVES cowboy boots!! So, for her bridal shower, Joy and I did a western theme shower and used this pan to make a cake.

Dessert Table

Wilton Boot Pan, Cake, and Frosting
I think it took us longer to bake the cake and mix the colors than it did to actually decorate it.  It is a simple chocolate cake with a chocolate caramel frosting (Yes, I am on a caramel kick right now!!)  To the right you can see the cake, the pan, and all the colored frosting and tips.  (This makes it easier if we don't have to jump up every few minutes to get something.)

 I found a pattern decorated online that I liked and tried to make it similar.  It was nice to have something to look at and less time to think of what I want or don't want to do.  It was outlined and then mostly star tipped. Although we did use the flat side of the basket weaving tip for the heel and sole. We used brown sugar for the desert sand to add some dimension.  

Set-up and Started!!

Wilton Shape Boot Cake Completed

Rachel - telling 'their story'
It was a fun night: hearing their story, playing games, eating really good food made by our church ladies, opening gifts and a fun crazy skit that Joy (Wendy the Wedding Specialist) put together!!


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