Thursday, September 18, 2014

WEDDING CAKE - Gumpaste Flowers & Chocolate Fondant

Saturday, September 13, 2014 
David & Rachel Cain

What a beautiful wedding for my son David and his beautiful bride Rachel!  

This was our first 'long-distance' wedding cake we have ever decorated.  We did a lot of planning and prepping, and were mostly successful with a few speed bumps along the way.

David & Rachel - Cutting the Cake
Part of the planning was that the bottom three layers of cake would not be real cake, but frosting and fondant covered styrofoam.  With the long distance, available kitchen space and time, there was no way to make a denser wedding cake to be stacked, filled, frosted, and covered with fondant.  The top layer was chocolate cake from a nearby bakery that we covered with the same fondant. A simple shell border and some quick scroll work (since we had to scoot to get to the rehearsal dinner).

We made the gumpaste flowers and leaves before we even left. 
This gave them time to totally dry and be packed for the trip to Pennsylvania. 
 Let me show you some pictures of the process... 

Here we roll the green colored gumpaste very thin over a slot
 that will be used to hold the stem of the leaf.  

After the wire is folded into the gumpaste on the back side, 
we put it on a veining mat to get the vein markings on a leaf. 

The ball tool is gently used to thin the edges and get some natural shaping to the leaf. 

The are set out on gumpaste formers to get the leaves into different shapes, folds, and curls -  to give them a very realistic look. 

Joy is amazing when it comes to making roses - here she is rolling and using the Wilton cutters to cut the petals of the purple roses. 

They are also thinned with the ball tool, then formed on wire to make amazing roses....

I had the job of making the Tiger Lilies - Here I am set up at the museum.

After making the leaves and petals, I hand painted the leaves. 

Joy then airbrushed them to give them a shine and sparkle that really made them stand out.

Gumpaste Tiger Lilies

Gumpaste Roses
We were a little worried about getting them there in one piece...  We babied them carrying them in each motel and giving them special spots to keep them safe and moister free!! 

An up-close picture of the top of the wedding cake flower bouquet.

Top angle of Fondant Cake with Gumpaste Tiger Lilies
Chocolate Fondant Cake with Gumpaste Flowers
Forgetting the fondant smoother and a very small kitchen table to roll fondant out were a few of the bumps throughout the weekend, but we were able to put it together successfully. 
 Luckily the flowers were so beautiful no one looked at the fondant... LOL!  

Now for a few pictures to end this post: 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Western Bridal Shower & Wilton Boot Cake

Several years ago I bought an old Wilton cake pan shaped like a boot for a groom's cake I was doing for a wedding.  I always wondered if I would ever use it again...  Well, my new daughter-in-law, Rachel, absolutely LOVES cowboy boots!! So, for her bridal shower, Joy and I did a western theme shower and used this pan to make a cake.

Dessert Table

Wilton Boot Pan, Cake, and Frosting
I think it took us longer to bake the cake and mix the colors than it did to actually decorate it.  It is a simple chocolate cake with a chocolate caramel frosting (Yes, I am on a caramel kick right now!!)  To the right you can see the cake, the pan, and all the colored frosting and tips.  (This makes it easier if we don't have to jump up every few minutes to get something.)

 I found a pattern decorated online that I liked and tried to make it similar.  It was nice to have something to look at and less time to think of what I want or don't want to do.  It was outlined and then mostly star tipped. Although we did use the flat side of the basket weaving tip for the heel and sole. We used brown sugar for the desert sand to add some dimension.  

Set-up and Started!!

Wilton Shape Boot Cake Completed

Rachel - telling 'their story'
It was a fun night: hearing their story, playing games, eating really good food made by our church ladies, opening gifts and a fun crazy skit that Joy (Wendy the Wedding Specialist) put together!!