Thursday, October 13, 2016

Volleyball Cake

Kim asked if we would make a cake for Kaitlynn again this year. Last year we had a lot of fun making her a softball cake, so this year we got to make a volleyball cake!!  Joy and I would both have to say that volleyball is our favorite sport to play, so that alone kinda pushed us both to make time for it. Kim had several great ideas she found, but with a short time to plan it out, we went with one of the easier designs.  

The ball is made with Wilton's Ball pan and everything is simply covered in buttercream frosting with simple stars, shells and writing.  This was the first time we have done the newer technique of putting writing on top of writing with two different colors.  It was a little scary since we were putting it on top of the net - if we made a mistake, it was going to make it hard to fix... but all went well!  

Thanks Kim for a fun opportunity for us to make a cake for Kaitlynn!  

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Monty's Football Birthday Cake

 My good friend Christy asked if I would make a football cake and some cupcakes decorated like sports balls for her son's first birthday party.  Monty is always smiling and such a sweet little boy, I love caring for him in the nursery at church.

Christy has been a long time friend and is helping me learn sign language (which is not an easy thing to do... because I am slow, old and also nervous when I sign, yet she is so patient!) I worked my schedule to make these for her.

I looked at football shaped pans at the store, but decided against spending the money. As you can see here, I used an oval shaped pan and just cut it from there. Simple piping with zigzag and stars and writing for the laces.  The cupcakes were also star tipped and a simple writing technique to make different types of sports balls. 

Happy Birthday Monty!  We love you! 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Joseph's Birthday

So.... I have been really bad about posting cake pictures.  We have baked some... and taken pictures of some... but for some reason just a little too busy to take the time to post and share on this blog.  

Today I plan to get caught up a little here while it is quiet at work... unless of course, if it gets busy.... then maybe I will try again next week!

Here is Joseph's birthday cake. He is my firecracker born on July 4th.  Since we knew he wasn't going to be able to be home for his birthday, we made a special meal with all the family together before he left in June.  It was sad for him to be gone, but grateful for the experience he had on the road with the Cola Clash this summer!

In the pictures, you can see Ella loves her Uncle DaDoo (her own personal name she made up for him - although she can say Uncle JoJo.)  Whenever we talk about Uncle JoJo, she says, "funny" - because she thinks he is so funny!

The cake is just a simple two layer/two flavor cake with buttercream frosting and fondant covering it. We didn't have a lot of time while getting him ready to go, so it was made very quickly.  Joseph LOVES fondant in any way or form: whether plain or on a cake, flavored or unflavored, etc. which makes it easy for us!  Everyone knows his love for the piano and for music, but with limited time we needed a simple design and this was definitely it!

Although we really missed Joseph on his actual birthday, we were excited to hear how he had an amazing summer traveling with Bobby Bosler and the Cola Clash.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Christmas Fun - Cookies and Gingerbread Houses

Joy and I have always wanted to do a gingerbread house... but unfortunately, we just do not have the time during the busy holidays to make them.  After Christmas, we were so excited to find Wilton gingerbread kits for 50% off... although it wasn't exactly what we planned or envisioned us making, we decided it might be a good first try. We bought LOTS of candy and planned out a few hours on a Saturday. Well, we thought it would only take us a few hours, but it took over 6!!! It was actually a lot of fun and even relaxing... we also learned that whenever we decide to make a full gingerbread house from scratch, we had better set aside a good chunk of time!    

Wilton Gingerbread Houses

Joy made her roof tiles out of rolled Starbursts... the bricks are made from Extremes.

My roof tiles, bricks and chimney stones were made from rolled spiced gummies. The chimney and porch were made with graham creackers and covered with candies.

Christmas Cookies!!
Someone asked us if we could make some Christmas royal frosting cookies... We have only experimented with this type of cookies twice before. Joy did this experiment but it took a lot of time, and we didn't have that kind of time for that weekend. We unfortunately had to decline, but would really like to experiment more with these. They are fun and look very clean and professional.

Christmas Royal Frosting Cookies

Thank you for stopping by!