Monday, January 17, 2011

Butterfly Cake


Lilly wanted a butterfly cake for her birthday,  but the closer it came to her birthday, she decided she wanted flowers too.  So, with the help of her mom (Sandy), we came up with the cake you see here!!   She wanted the cake flavor to be a strawberry cake, so we also made the frosting a strawberry flavored butter cream.  We baked the cake in a petal pan, to make a scallop edge all the way around.  The pink butterflies are made of fondant and a gum paste mixture.  The fence posts, flowers and other butterflies are made with just our homemade fondant.  The green grass is frosting.  This was one of our favorite cakes to make!!  The small pink flower cake you see on the right was designed and created by Joy from a picture that Lilly saw of a flower cake. Small cakes are very hard to work with, but she did a fantastic job!!  

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Envelope Birthday Cake

My friend Twyla wanted a frosted envelope cake for her husband's birthday, since he works for the United States Post Office.  She wanted a marble cake with chocolate and yellow cake flavors, frosted with a butter cream.  She chose what she wanted written on top, and also a heart stamp, and lips.  We did a triple chocolate cake mix and a vanilla yellow cake for added flavor.  Joy made the stamp using food writers and a rubber stamp.  The sun and candles are made with frosting.  We tried to make the lips with a red food writer marker, but it wasn't working, so I painted it on with food coloring and a paint brush.  This was a fun cake to make!!